Supercheap Auto Sale Rally Display

Supercheap Auto in Sale is hosting a display for The Middle of Everywhere Gippsland Rally. Tomorrow, Saturday 20 August between 11:00 and 14:00 Robin Lowe’s Datsun 240Z will be on show.

Robin’s brother co-driver, Peter will be at the display with the Datsun. The store is holding a BBQ for a real social atmosphere. Event posters and spectator guides will be available to promote the rally.

If you’re able to drop in, please do it!

Spectator guide booklets are also available from Traralgon Toyota, various Visitor Information Centres in the Shire of Wellington and shops in the Heyfield region. Grab your own digi version on our website.

Author: Michael Finger

Hi, I’m Michael and I’m a freelance photojournalist. I live in Montmorency, in the north eastern suburbs of Melbourne and I offer a range of photography services to help you achieve the results you’re after.